Vehicle registration Start mileage End mileage

    Exterior check

    Oil level Coolant level Windscreen washer fluid Brake fluid level Windows clean and Undamaged All lights working Tyre pressures (inc spare) Tyre tread depth, cuts/bulges All doors open and secure closed

    Interior check

    Mirrors adjusted, clean and unobstructed Function of dashboard controls Position of drivers seat Pressure of brake pedal Washers and wipers working correctly Fuel level Seatbelts undamaged and working properly Location of wheel brace, jack, warning triangle and hi-vis Location and contents of first aid kit & fire extinguisher Minibus folder present Minibus permit displayed in windscreen Luggage securely sowed; aisles and exits clear Vehicle’s passengers doesn’t exceed capacity Brake check (only driver in vehicle) Foot brake works as expected Parking engaging and releasing correctly I, confirm the minibus (reg selected above) has been checked and is in a road worthy condition for our drive today and I have made checks we are on the road legally. Date: